
Uplink hacker elite game
Uplink hacker elite game

uplink hacker elite game
  1. #Uplink hacker elite game software
  2. #Uplink hacker elite game code

Crippling Overspecialization: The high-end Gateways tend to do one thing very well, to the detriment of their other abilities.Their IP has to be manually looked up first, as it is initially hidden from the list InterNIC has.

uplink hacker elite game

Creator Cameo: Introversion Software is one of the companies that hires you from time to time, and they have a website in-game about possible ideas for a sequel.You can hack into a bank and funnel money into your account - possibly even bouncing it around several times and keeping it in accounts on other bank websites, rather than storing it all on the Uplink Corporation Bank. They don't seem to ever actually go bankrupt, although their stock will tank. You can destroy a company's servers completely - at least datawise - and doing so will net you a nice little news article about how a mysterious hacker has cost the company millions. However, since one can only take one branch of the storyline, it's impossible to earn all of them in a single playthrough. Cosmetic Award: There are 12 "Special Awards" to achieve, mostly tied to the completion of the storyline missions.The codes themselves are also hexadecimal characters that allow you to access the game development bible hidden on the original CD if you convert them. When the game came out, it was indeed intended as copy-protection, as the game didn't have any kind of DRM and it was Introversion's first game, though now, with the rise of Steam and digital distribution, it has become more a bit of nostalgia.

  • Copy Protection: A glossy black-on-black code sheet that asks you to enter the two character sequence at a certain intersection.
  • The first version you recover doesn't spread across systems, but a speed run demonstrated that it can eliminate the global network by running it on enough computers.
  • Computer Virus: ARC is attempting to develop a virus to destroy the Internet.
  • The Big Board: The Game Within a Game on Protovision's machine.
  • Beeping Computers The Trace Tracker program.
  • So you can turn someone into a genocidal, mass murdering jaywalker.who was successfully paroled and subsequently violated their parole. They also have to be violating parole, as you cannot authorize arrest without that particular crime.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Also unintentional, but as a result of All Crimes Are Equal above, you can indeed send someone to prison for, say, genocide, conspiracy to overthrow the government, and parking on a double yellow line.
  • Apocalypse How : Between Societal Disruption and Societal Collapse if Revelation succeeds.
  • All Crimes Are Equal: An unintentional example, but someone will go to jail just as readily for rape, murder, and arson as for jaywalking, spitting, and littering.
  • During the secret mission to steal the agent roster from the Uplink Internal Services machine, there's always one of the ten files missing - the one containing your own record.
  • AFGNCAAP: You have no photo in your school records, Social Security file, or criminal record.

  • Uplink hacker elite game